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Book no.1

Angel and the Ivory Tower


Great Aunt Alice is an amazing woman who has lived most of the great adventures of the 20th Century.  She was a barnstormer, a business woman, and even a war hero.  She came from humble beginnings, gained everything, lost it all and fought back to reclaim her place.  She fears absolutely NOTHING – except elevators, revolving doors, and ice water.


Her Great Nephew is afraid of EVERYTHING.  He’s lived his life in the shelter of his books.  Great Nephew loses his job as a professor of Pre-Georgian literature and moves to his Great Aunt Alice’s farm where he will help her paint the house, chronicle her fascinating story, and maybe learn a little about life.


Readers can’t wait to see what Alice will do next.

Book no.2

The Pencil Man


The Pencil Man was a real person who lived in Anderson, Indiana during the 1950's. He was a beggar who had no legs, moved about on a board with wheels, and sold pencils on the street.


Many remember him, but no one seems to know who he was or what became of him. This novel tries to give some idea of what it would be like to be The Pencil Man.


The story includes the mystical realm of the spirits, experiences, and decisions that guide everyone's fate. It also places one in the position of The Pencil Man himself, and shows us the world from a very different perspective.


As with Angel and the Ivory Tower, you will be entertained, laugh, and cry, but more importantly your eyes will be opened to people around you who may now seem invisible.

Book no.3

The Art of Freezing Pickles


The story takes place in 1930s Alabama in the small town of Freezing Pickles - a place where people are judged for who they are and not what they are.


It starts with the colorful people of Freezing Pickles who gather at a general store called The Pickle Barrel.


One day Freezing Pickles is discovered by a photographer and soon artists from around the country begin to migrate to Freezing Pickles for its inspiration and colorful people.  One of these is Arthur, a plain and small man who has all of the musical talent in the world, but can't find work because "he doesn't look right in the ranks."


Arthur learns about this place where the greeting “Welcome friend” has meaning and where Arthur can become a big man indeed.

Satchel at the Second Chance


Neil Goldman is a struggling author who goes to a second hand store for cheap entertainment and maybe a bit of inspiration. At the Second Chance he finds “the sweetest piece of inspiration one could ever hope to find,” an old briefcase. Imagining the many places the old satchel has been and the stories it could tell.


Neil takes his prize home and goes into wild speculation only to find that it’s Satchel who has chosen Neil to write his story.

Follow this epic tale of romance, adventure, and struggle as the great slave Cobb tries to escape his slavery to find freedom and his scattered and sold family. Follow the march of time through the Civil War and the golden age of invention. Fly with Satchel and Cobb’s grandson into a world war, where Satchel finds his own enslavement.


Satchel eventually lands in the hands of a simple child who teaches him more than most of the great and powerful men of Satchel’s history.

Book n. 4

Lawrence of Lawrence

Book no. 5

This story is about, Lawrence – an old  man who has been burned by life and just wants to be left alone.  That all changes when Lawrence witnesses the gang beating of a troubled teenage boy. 


The last thing the old man wants is to get involved, but his deeper character, and an admonition from a ghost of his past to “Make it right,” forces his hand.


From that moment on, life changes for both men.  Eventually we see that the mysterious old recluse has lived a very different, and somewhat epic, life from the man who now sits on the porch and watches the trains go by.

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